
[SOLVED]monitor network connections

9:49 13/06/2015
++ss command: It dump socket (network connection) statistics such as all TCP / UDP connections, established connection per protocol (e.g., display all established ssh connections), display all the tcp sockets in various state such as ESTABLISHED or FIN-WAIT-1 and so on.

++netstat command: It can display network connections, routing tables, interfaces and much more.

++tcptrack and iftop commands: Displays information about TCP connections it sees on a network interface and display bandwidth usage on an interface by host respectively.


SOURCE: http://www.binarytides.com/linux-ss-command/

ss - socket statistics:
1. List all connections
The simplest command is to list out all connections.
#ss | more
#ss | grep <port>
#ss | grep <port> | wc -l #Count number of connections
ss | less | grep 6383 | wc -l
netstat -ant | grep 6383 | awk '{print $6}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n

2. Filter out tcp,udp or unix connections
To view only tcp or udp or unix connections use the t, u or x option.
#ss -t
#ss -A tcp

List all udp connections
#ss -ua
#ss -a -A udp

3. Do not resolve hostname
To get the output faster, use the "n" option to prevent ss from resolving ip addresses to hostnames. But this will prevent resolution of port numbers as well.
#ss -nt

4. Show only listening sockets
This will list out all the listening sockets. For example apache web server opens a socket connection on port 80 to listen for incoming connections.
#ss -ltn

To list out all listening udp connections replace t by u
#ss -lun

5. Print process name and pid
To print out the process name/pid which owns the connection use the p option
#ss -ltp

6. Print summary statistics
The s option prints out the statistics.
#ss -s

7. Display timer information
With the '-o' option, the time information of each connection would be displayed. The timer information tells how long with
#ss -tn -o

8. Display only IPv4 or IPv6 socket connections
To display only IPv4 socket connections use the '-f inet' or '-4' option.
#ss -tl -f inet

To display only IPv6 connections use the '-f inet6' or '-6' option.
#ss -tl6

9. Filtering connections by tcp state

#ss -t4 state established

Display sockets with state time-wait
#ss -t4 state time-wait

The state can be either of the following
1. established
2. syn-sent
3. syn-recv
4. fin-wait-1
5. fin-wait-2
6. time-wait
7. closed
8. close-wait
9. last-ack
10. closing
11. all - All of the above states
12. connected - All the states except for listen and closed
13. synchronized - All the connected states except for syn-sent
14. bucket - Show states, which are maintained as minisockets, i.e. time-wait and syn-recv.
15. big - Opposite to bucket state.

#watch -n 1 "ss -t4 state syn-sent"

10. Filter connections by address and port number
Display all socket connections with source or destination port of ssh.
#ss -at '( dport = :ssh or sport = :ssh )'

Sockets with destination port 443 or 80
#ss -nt '( dst :443 or dst :80 )'

The following syntax would also work
#ss -nt dst :443 or dst :80

More examples
# Filter by address
$ ss -nt dst

# CIDR notation is also supported
$ ss -nt dst

# Address and Port combined
$ ss -nt dst

Ports can also be filtered with dport/sport options. Port numbers must be prefixed with a ":".
#ss -nt dport = :80
The above is same as > ss -nt dst :80

Some more examples of filtering
# source address is and source port is greater than 5000
$ ss -nt src sport gt :5000

# local smtp (port 25) sockets
$ sudo ss -ntlp sport eq :smtp

# port numbers greater than 25
$ sudo ss -nt sport gt :1024

# sockets with remote ports less than 100
$ sudo ss -nt dport \< :100

# connections to remote port 80
$ sudo ss -nt state connected dport = :80

The following operators are supported when comparing port numbers
<= or le : Less than or equal to port
>= or ge : Greater than or equal to port
== or eq : Equal to port
!= or ne : Not equal to port
< or gt : Less than to port
> or lt : Greater than to port

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